D.C. School Makes Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Fun for Middle and High School Students

One thing we often think about on the eCYBERMISSION team is how to encourage student interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) studies. I recently read an article on eSCHOOL News called, “Students help program science computer game," which describes a four week summer program at McKinley Technical High School  in Washington, D.C. The program allowed students in middle and high school to program an educational computer game. 

The eCYBERMISSION team continually challenges itself to make the program interesting and engaging for sixth through ninth graders and is inspired by this article! Does anyone else have any examples of a program, summer activity or class that makes STEM studies fun for students?
This article shows a great example of how educators can make STEM studies fun by designing projects around activities students are already interested in. The article also gives examples of how students could be inspired by the program to choose careers in STEM fields. In addition this program is another great example of how kids can take part in fun activities in the summer but still learn something valuable.


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